I made progress with my Bear Tracks quilt top.
It's probably going to bother me forever that the quilt isn't "balanced". The left side of the quilt should have a row of two bear paw blocks and one nine patch. But the quilt is already 82 x 101. If I add another row it would add another 18 inches to the length making it 82 x 119. If I then add another row to the width, *that* row would be unbalanced. So I'm just going to stop here and let it be. I've got all of the border components made except for the corners. I'm excited to finally be getting this project closer to being finished. I had lots and lots of bear paw blocks collected that had been from a swap back in the 90s sometime. So when I saw the
Bear Tracks quilt pattern at
Glad Creations I knew it was a perfect pattern to use up some of these blocks.
But not enough blocks, I still have 46 waiting for a home. I may make this quilt next. It was in Fons and Porters Scrap Quilts Fall 2013.
Scraps I Couldn't Bear to Toss by Gina Thackara |
Or maybe this one made by Melissa at Doodle-head.com. It's another Glad Creations pattern called
Bear Chase.
Or maybe this one which I found on Flicker. It was apparently
from the Oct 2007 issue of Quilt It. Isn't it beautiful?
Found on Flicker. Made by Janice M. |
So many choices, so little time.
I think your "unbalanced" quilt is wonderful. I think people will just think it's part of the design.
It's gorgeous. I've never made a bear paw quilt but have always wanted to. It should go on my to do list after seeing yours. Great job!
I hate it when my mind struggles with unbalance. I feel that way on staggered patterns and log cabins also. It is tough to get the balance and the size correct on these types of quilts. I love the plaids. I think the quilt is amazing.
I love your bear paws quilt. And the examples you found as possibilities for the rest of your blocks are all beautiful.
So many beautiful quilts! I am sure you will choose just the right one to use the rest of your blocks.
I made one of those Bear Tracks quilts a few years ago. Loved it, and lost it. My daughter has claimed it.LOL!
I love your bear paw. Once it is on a bed or being snuggled, and you are not looking at it as a whole, it won't seem unbalanced. I love the look of the quilt on the sofa. Have you thought about using some for a pieced backing?
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