
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Batik cross - UFO #11

This quilt top was  from the early 2000's. It was given to me when another small charity quilt group broke up to add to our charity tops for whenever needed. And there it sat. Till now:

Batik Cross
This is 60x64. I found a solid navy for the binding. It is quilted with a large meander and machine bound with a serpentine stitch.

2019 #11 finish of 67 quilt top UFOs.  56 to go!
Finish-A-Long Q1 - #6

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Pineapple Blossom - 2019 finish #10

This is Pineapple Blossom, a Bonnie Hunter free pattern. These blocks were from a swap in 2009. 

In 2014 I pulled them out and decided to get the top made. 

Now 5 more years later and it is finished.

It is 62x70", quilted with a large meander and machine bound with a serpentine stitch.

2019 #10 finish of 67 quilt top UFOs.  57 to go!
Finish-A-Long Q1 - #5

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Saturday, January 26, 2019

String Blocks

Three sets of string blocks have been completed and backs made for each.

The first set is 48 blocks made from the amazing donation of fabrics last year. These have been paired with one of the bolts of fabric received for the backing. This just shows 24 of the 48 blocks.

These are 48 yellow and purple string blocks made by fellow Quilters with Heart member, Debbie. The yellow backing is also from one of the donated bolts.

These 24 blocks have been pieced into a backing. I believe it is made by fellow Quilters with Heart member, CarolAnne. I found a fabric in my stash for the backing to include with the donation.

These will be sent to Covered in Love. They do wonderful work providing quilts to dying patients and the families keep the quilts. They are holding a string block drive now.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Pink Alternating Jelly Roll - UFO #9

This is a super quick quilt. Made from the beautiful donated fabric last year. This was made with one of the kits we made up after cutting yards and yards of the fabric into 2 1/2” strips.   It is 51x58”.  The batting was a 5 piece Frankenbatt.

It was quilted using a freehand edge to edge of a large swirl/flower. I had tons of trouble with the needle breaking three times. I will have to spend time tomorrow retiming Olga, the longarm. I was too frustrated to deal with it today and hope I’ll be more patient with it at the start of a quilting session. No fun.

This will be another quilt for donation.

2019 #9 finish of 67 quilt top UFOs.  58 to go!
Finish-A-Long Q1 - #4

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

No sew weekend

No sewing this weekend as Chris and the boys came to visit. Natalie went away for a girls weekend so we got to help Chris with Graham and Cooper. They were absolutely adorable and we had a wonderful time.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Green Pez - UFO #8

This is another quilt that came from the huge donation of fabrics we received last winter. Fun, quick, cheerful.  It is 50x67.   Like the others so far this year, it will be a comfort/charity quilt.

This was actually finished on Friday but the storm over the weekend prevented any picture taking.

2019 #8 finish of 67 quilt top UFOs.  59 to go!
Finish-A-Long Q1 - #3

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Friday, January 18, 2019

Seahorse Strippie - UFO #7

Edit: This has been gifted to Harleigh.

Fellow Quilters with Heart friend, Elaine, wrote me this week and told me her daughter worked with a woman whose toddler daughter was very ill and in and out of the hospital. Did we have a quilt that we could give this little girl. Well, we don't have one that would be appropriate but we certainly have the huge pile of flimsies and I knew we had one that would be perfect.

The quilt top I chose was made using an adorable, bright seahorse fabric that I didn't want to cut too small. Perfect for Mary Johnson's Quick Strippie pattern. I cut out the fabrics, Elaine pieced it (sometime mid 2018), then I quilted it and bound it yesterday. Elaine's daughter will pick it up next week.

Seahorse Strippie

Sometimes having a huge stack of quilt tops at the ready is a good thing.

2019 #7 finish of 67 quilt top UFOs.  60 to go!
Finish-A-Long Q1 - #2
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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Juvenile Eye Spy - #6 UFO finish for the year

This is a fun, cheery quilt that I quilted up this week. It's a very long twin - 70x98. I'm not sure who in the group made it but I'm pretty sure it was a while ago. The blocks were made in that manner where you stack several squares, make a random cut, move the top fabric to the bottom of the stack and then sew. I can't remember the name of the method.

I found a perfect stripe in my stash to use for the binding. And I have finally given in to machine stitched bindings. With 67 tops to be done there just had to be a faster way. I'm stitching the binding to the front, fold to the back and the serpentine stitch from the front. So easy.

2019 #6 finish of 67 quilt top UFOs.  61 to go!
Finish-A-Long Q1 - #1

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Finish-A-Long 2019

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Sure, I'm in! A challenge to finish UFOs. It is made for me. I counted approx 67 quilt tops alone on January 1st. As of January 10th, I have already completed 5 of them, but they don't count for this challenge so I will list what I would like to accomplish after January 10th. I have 4x4 wire cubbies (16 cubbies) filled with flimsies. These are the projects from 8 of those cubbies.

These are tops that have been sitting waiting for quilting for anywhere up to 20 years.  Due to my ongoing back challenges, I will be quilting these in the quickest method possible - medium meander.

1. Juvenile eye spy 70x98 - Finished 1/16/19

2. Seahorse Strippie  40x54 - Finished 1/18/19  This has been gifted to Harleigh

3. Pink and Green Tumbler 48x66

4. Pink Railfence 60x60

5. Pink and Purples Tumbler 52x73 - Finished 2/26/19

 6. Batik Alternating Jelly Roll  56x70 - Finished 2/8/19

7. Pink Alternating Jelly Roll  51x58 - Finished 1/23/19

8. Green Pez 50x67 - Finished 1/19/19

 9. Pink and Green Tumbler 2   52x68 - Finished 2/6/19

10. Batik Alternating Jelly Roll 2  56x62

11. Triangles reused 44x49 - Finished 2/10/19

12. Jungle Rainbow 48x53 - Finished 2/26/19

13. Pink Alternating Jelly Roll 2  51x58

14. Bright Happy Blocks   45x63 - Finished 2/1/19

15. Neutral  88x104

16. Scrappy Pineapple Blossom  62x70 - Finished 1/28/19

17. Rainbow Pinwheels

18. Surrounded Nine Patch  53x68 - Finished 2/27/19

19. Disappearing Nine Patch

20. Bright Juvenile Strings   40x58

21. Blue Alternating Nine Patch

22. Yellow Irish Chain

23. 1930 Repro Square in Square

24. Random Charms   56x72

25. Flannel Red Checkerboard  42x52

26. Flannel Log Cabin   56x68 - Finished 3/11/19

27. Blue Offset Logcabin

28. Orange Strippie   41x54 - Finished 3/1/19

29. Orange Strippie 2   41x54 - Finished 3/4/19

30. Batik Charms   58x64 - Finished 1/29/19

32. Black PreCut Charm Challenge Checkerboard - 44x58 - Finished 3/30/19

33. Purple PreCut Charm Challenge   Will be 66x80 - Finished 3/17/19

34. Pastel Roman Stripes   33x44 - Finished 1/31/19