
Friday, January 14, 2011

Quilters With Heart

The Friday afternoon charity quilters were finally able to meet again. It was wonderful to hear about everyone's holidays and vacations. And Joyce and I got our daily exercise pushing Jeanne's car out of the snow bank. Wish I had a picture of that. :)
 Debbie cutting and Jeanne ironing.
 Susan and Joyce giving their sewing machines a good workout.

This is the second week working on this project. The fabric is very old fabric I had probably gotten at our long gone Joanns/House of Fabrics before that. The white background is an Ikea cotton sheet that I had heard was a cheap nice alternative to Kona Cotton. Hmm, definitely not Kona Cotton but fine for this use. I had cut out the charms without counting and we sewed without counting. We were thrilled to discover that we now have enough rows for two quilts around 50x70 each.


  1. Nice to see smiling faces with some of the names you have mentioned. I like the quilt you are doing-what a great way to use some of the fabrics that you don't like anymore-the white really sets it off nicely.
    ps-I sewed today

  2. I live in Vista right over the border from Wilton and have fond memories of being able to run in and pick things up at the Joann's on Rte 7 while my children were at school at Our Lady of Fatima.
