
Monday, January 24, 2011

Quilters With Heart

Another "snow day" hit us on a Friday making it difficult for most to participate in our Friday sewing. Susan was the one and only brave soul to take on the challenge of the roads and my driveway. 

The day before Joyce and I had given her a refresher course about the use of my Millenium and we had mounted and quilted the pastel Boxed Squares quilt.
Susan and Joyce

So on Friday, Susan tackled the lavender floral quilt all by herself. She did a wonderful job - I was very proud of her.

We had a great time but let's hope Mother Nature cooperates this coming week so more of us can gather.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very nice quilts. Nature has been too cold and snowy here. I need to get into our studio but it has been too cold to think about it! I have my own quilt to do before we get a customer dropping one off. Nice job! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. Those both look great. Congratulations on getting so much done despite the weather being uncooperative.
