
Sunday, January 9, 2011

A second finish for 2011

Oh boy, I really do love this feeling. UFO #2 is Done! I finished quilting and binding the string quilt that my niece, Amy, (age 16) made this summer. She very proudly gave it to her parents today. Again, it's not on the 2011 UFO challenge list but it is DONE. I'm very disappointed to have forgotten to take a picture of the finished quilt. This is it before quilting. I know, not a great picture, but it's all I've got.
And now I can work on my crumb quilt which is #6 on my 2011 UFO Challenge list.


  1. Funny that we are both finishing UFO's not on the LIST. 2011 is looking to be a good year for FINISHING!

  2. I love it Melinda and I am sure Amy is very proud of giving her parents a quilt she made.

    I am not doing real well with finishing things on the list but yes FINISHING anything is a great feeling.

  3. Congratulations on getting a UFO finished off. It is the best feeling, isn't it?
