
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sewing Room cleanup - Stage 2

 I made progress on cleaning up the sewing room. I finished what I consider to be Stage 2 - cleaning off the cutting table. 



Aren't those cabinets great - I got them for free when a neighbor was redoing her kitchen. I should paint them white but I'd rather be sewing.

AT LEAST three more stages to go.


  1. Ok here is my question-did you throw some stuff out,hide them in the cupboards or really organize while you were putting things away? And how will you ever find anything now-lol

  2. Is this "truth or dare"? OK, truth, 90% of it got put away in it's correct place. "A place for everything and everything in it's place." But some of the "don't know what to do with" fabric did get piled on the ironing counter which will be the last stage of the clean up. ;)
