
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No Fabric Added

My Bernina walking foot quit working this week while I was working on the denim rag quilt. It kept going up and down but wasn't advancing, if that makes sense. I wrote to customer support at Bernina and they told it might be fixable and to bring it to my local dealer. So I did as I was told and forced myself (yeah right) to visit The Quilt Shop which is the closest Bernina dealer to me. They were surprised that Bernina had told me to bring it to them because they were just going to send it to Bernina. OK, now I wait. I have a Millenium so don't often need my walking foot but when I make totes or work with flannel or denim it is nice to have. And these feet are not cheap so I hope it is fixable. Please be fixable.

I was sooo proud of myself because I did not buy any fabric. None. And this was tough because The Quilt Shop focuses on the "modern" fabrics by Amy Butler, Kaffe Fassett, etc. Yummy, yummy fabrics that I still don't have enough of. LOL

The only thing I bought was this Atkinson pattern: Stand and Stow. It is sturdy with peltex sides but is collapsible because the peltex is compartmented. Hmmm, difficult to explain but trust me, the store sample was pretty cool.
I am a tote hoarder. I buy them, I make them and I love using them. My favorite tote made by me is the Chubby Charmer by Quilts Illustrated. It is a great tote. I have made several and gifted several. As patterned it is quite a large tote and I use mine as a Carry On when traveling.

1 comment:

  1. wow good for you going to a quilt store and not buying anything. Is your favorite tote the one you made in the Poconos?? I need to figure out what I am taking as my carry on to Hawaii.
