
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Cut Off Triangles - Finish #16

Elaine had a large collection of cut off triangles that she was tired of hanging on to. She came up with this adorable quilt top. She donated the top to our group so I could get it quilted and it could find a good home. 

We found a perfect backing and binding in my stash. Again, to expedite these finishes and to be easy on my back, this was quilted with a large meander. And the binding was machine attached with a serpentine stitch.

It's not large, 44x49, but all the triangles got used and now there is this adorable comfort quilt as a result.

2019 #16 finish of 67 quilt top UFOs.  51 to go!
Finish-A-Long Q1 - #11

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