
Friday, February 1, 2019

Precut Party Challenge - January Charms recap

The Stashbuster/Heartstring yahoo groups put out a challenge to spend 2019 working on precuts. Great, I have tons. The month of January was to be focused on charms. Even better!! I estimated I had 9000 of them. Those are all nickels in the two narrow bookcases (meant to hold CDs).

The first project I made I used my black and bright charms. I love it BUT it only used 44 of the black and bright charms. So I now had 8956 to go. Hmmm. There had to be a better way.

For the second project I copied Mary Johnson's Quilt but made it bigger. This one is about 58 x 72. This one used about 160 purple charms.  Better! Only 8796 to go. 

Both of these projects were done as Leader/Enders. The final two rows of the purple quilt became a primary project as I just wanted it finished.

The third charm project I worked on was the Civil War Repro charms. This was already a top and it is now quilted and bound.

One month of working on charms = 1 quilt completed, 2 tops completed = 456 charms used.

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