
Monday, March 11, 2019

Flannel Log Cabin - UFO finish #22

Today's UFO finish started with blocks of unknown origin. I believe they showed up in a bin of our collection of charity fabrics. Nobody knew where they came from. These are all flannels.

Somebody put the top together at least five years ago and then it waited.

The back and binding are also flannel. I did not have an easy time making the normal 
2 1/2" binding fit. I will do a smaller seam allowance when attaching the binding if I do another all flannel quilt.  

This is 56 x 68.
2019 #22 finish of 67 quilt top UFOs.  45 to go!
Finish-A-Long Q1 - #17

finishalong logo 125px

1 comment:

  1. Great job photographing the quilt. The picture really shows off the pattern and your quilting.
