I've been so good in not buying fabric. Well, that's not true. I bought a lot of fabric this weekend. However, like a true "...aholic", I can justify
it all most of it.
I bought 2 yards of St. Patricks Day fabric for a pillowcase for Paige (3 yo dg). I always buy two coordinating pieces - one for the body and one for the cuff. Then I use the leftovers in the reverse for a donation pillowcase. I'm really happy with these as they have a very nice hand. So many holiday themed fabrics are not soft enough to be comfortable for a pillowcase. These are really lovely. Paige is old enough this year to be enjoying these themed pillowcases and I don't have any in my stash. In my
fabriholics "rules", I excluded fabrics for Paige projects from the fast. So, justified.
I bought 2 yards of blue fabric for the "sashings" for my memorial quilt for my dad. I tried to use a stash blue that I had but it really was too bright for my liking. So I'm hoping this fabric works better. I also excluded from the fast sashings and borders needed to finish a project. So, justified.
Too bright, right? |
Absolutely impossible to get the color right in this pic, but the fabric is actually Kona's Cornflower Blue. It's not quite as gray in reality. |
Here comes the hazy part. I want to make a quilt for my brother. He's been struggling with some health issues and I know he sleeps on the couch not infrequently and might enjoy a quilt. After whipping thru a tumbler top yesterday at the Quilt of Valor Sewing Day, I thought I could do the same for him. I have the tumbler die for the Accuquilt GO so it would go quickly. BUT I'm now all out of homespun fabrics. So, my friend, Debbie and I stopped at a thrift store yesterday and I bought 6 beautiful XXL mens shirts. These shirts cost an average of $6 a shirt but the fabrics are all fabulous. I sure wish we could get the awesome prices I hear other quilters get around the country.
Then we went to Joanns and I used my 60% and 50% off coupons to get a homespun for a border, and two more homespuns ( none of which were
half as nice as the shirts) to pull all the shirts together.
The bottom green fabric will be the border as well as used in the quilt center. |
SO, was it justified? I certainly could have pulled from my stash and made a less manly quilt. But in my mind, it's justified. I will, however, count them in the stash report.
I'm questimating that an XXL shirt yields 1 1/2 yards. I'm going to try to figure that out more accurately when I cut these up but for now, 1 1/2 yards each. Nine yards for the shirts, 4 yards homespun yardage.
Purchased this week - 13 yards
Purchased year to date - 13 yards
Used this week - 0 yard
Used year to date - 3/4 yard
Net = -12.25 yards
I hope to be back in the black next week by finishing the Homespun Bear Paw top and quilting the Notre Dame Quilt.
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